We are a Community of 2,00,000+ Women
Common women are driving Pinkishe Foundation's mission to end period poverty, normalize menstruation, and promote menstrual literacy.
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The Creation of Pinkishe Foundation

Pinkishe Foundation is a movement of seeds which were sowed by a 16-year-old schoolgirl, Khyati Gupta, when her teenage eyes noticed something which smote her tiny heart. One day, this chit of a girl was appalled when she saw bloodstains on the dress of her household helper’s daughter. On enquiring, to her utter shock, she discovered that they could not afford pads; hence they recycle discarded pieces of unhygienic cloth every month.

Appalled, Khyati delved into research on menstrual hygiene and uncovered the harsh reality faced by countless young girls and women, especially in rural areas. They lacked knowledge, affordable options, and access to safe menstrual products, and societal taboos further held them back. Many were forced to resort to shocking alternatives like cow dung, dry leaves, sand, or dirty rugs due to a lack of availability and financial constraints.

Driven by her determination, Khyati sought her father's support, who left his professional career and business to establish the Pinkishe Foundation. What started as a small flame ignited by a 16-year-old has now evolved into a robust and growing community of over 200,000 common women. These women joined Pinkishe from all cross-sections of society, cutting across language, religion, geographical, financial and educational status. They are united by a shared vision of creating a world where no menstruation has to face period poverty by taking the lead in their own hands.

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The foundation is dedicated to supporting women in living lives of strength and dignity, challenging societal norms and perceptions surrounding menstruation. Pinkishe Foundation aims to create a better world where women have equal opportunities and respect.

With unwavering hope, Pinkishe Foundation endeavours to transform this dream into reality. It serves as a powerful reminder that anyone, regardless of age or background, can make a significant difference in the world.

All this because a small girl dared to dream big.

Ordinary Women Driving Extraordinary Change

The Heartbeat of Pinkishe emanates from extraordinary women leading change nationwide. These dedicated pillars volunteer their services from home, shaping a brighter future.

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Pinkishe in a Flash

We nurture our aspiration to forge a brighter world for the social empowerment of women by ensuring proper menstrual hygiene and breaking the taboo surrounding periods.

Established on
1st May 2017
Community of
2,00,000+ women
Impact in 25+ States & Union Territories
12AA Registered (AADTP3680QE20178, Sep 21)
80G Registered
(AADTP3680QF20218, Sep 21)
Registered on Social Stock Exchange
FCRA Registered
(231661924, Jun 23)
CSR1 Registered
(CSR00016905, Oct 21)
PAN Number
Give India Gold Trust
Seal Holder
Great Place to Work

Visionaries Behind Pinkishe

With eyes on the horizon, our young founder charts a course for inclusivity, equity, and menstrual health freedom.


Meet our Inspiration

Khyati Gupta, a Senior Research Analyst with a multinational organization, is a dedicated advocate for menstrual equity and the eradication of period poverty. Inspired by her vision at a young age, she played a pivotal role in catalyzing the creation of Pinkishe Foundation. Committed to breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation and ensuring universal access to essential menstrual products for all, Khyati uses her passion to make a positive impact in the world and drive meaningful change through our organization.

Khyati Gupta

The visionary behind Pinkishe

Our Board Of Trustees

Driven by committed leaders, we strive to empower women by promoting menstrual hygiene and shattering period stigmas, envisioning a brighter, equitable future.

Arun Gupta
Shalini Gupta
Secretary General
Vandana Gupta
Arun Gupta
Shalini Gupta
Secretary General
Vandana Gupta
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Our Journey

Have a look at our journey towards achieving milestones.

Our Pillars

Pinkishe focuses on empowering HER, aiming to create a world where women's health, hygiene, and gender equality flourish without limits.

Women Health And Hygiene

As per one report, approximately 70% of reproductive diseases in India can stem from inadequate menstrual hygiene. Women persist in jeopardizing their health, livelihoods, and dignity due to this issue. But, not anymore, because we are here to BREAK THE TABOO and create a life where menstrual hygiene and health are at the forefront for women.

Gender Equality

Our dedicated mission revolves around closing the gender equality gap. We strive to empower all the menstruators, facilitating their inherent right to experience safe and dignified menstruation. By providing support and resources, we aim to ensure that every woman can embrace this fundamental aspect of their humanity with confidence and dignity.

Our Mission And Vision

We are not just any NGO, we are a movement- a movement that breathes life into the lives of many and nurtures a collective desire for empowering the women in need.

Our Vision

Create a world where every menstruator enjoys their fundamental human right to have safe and dignified menstruation.

Our Mission

To end period poverty by channelling the civic society's efforts towards advocating, mounting campaigns, creating open conversations, ensuring menstrual literacy, and helping make sustainable and environmentally friendly menstrual products accessible and affordable.

Our Objectives

We sensitize and partner with like-minded individuals to implement our high-impact programs to enable equal access to menstrual hygiene at the grassroots.


Create a difference in Women and Girls' lives by providing them with protection, love, and hope


Raise knowledge and awareness of their (Women and Girls) rights


Involve civil society and local communities to take ownership and responsibility for women related elements


Alter the lives of Women and Girls by providing them with platforms to showcase their creativity and talent and join the workforce


Effectively impact the lives of the girl child and women through socio-economic justice where lack in all forms is overpowered, and they live in self-sufficiencies through dignity and safety


Offer guidance and direction through counselling while developing various skills related to women's decision-making and overcoming odds


Our goal for the year 2030 is to educate 10 million girls in India, on menstrual hygiene, breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation, and ensuring their access to safe menstrual hygiene products.

Towards Achieving SDGs

Our programs and initiatives, towards achieving a better and inspiHERing future for all the menstruators in India, are aligned to help India meet its commitment towards multiple SDGs.

Our Philosophy & Values

The philosophy of Pinkishe is grounded in these core values, beliefs, and guiding principles, enabling impactful contributions to society while upholding the highest ethical standards and the well-being of the nation and its citizens.

Trust, Truthfulness, Transparency & Accountability

We uphold transparency in all our interactions with the government, the public, donors, partners, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders. While we maintain confidentiality in personnel matters and proprietary information, we prioritize the highest standards of ethical governance and transparency to earn and uphold public trust.

Citizen Power Leverage

We believe in fostering a sense of responsibility and inclusive development among more capable citizens. This includes active participation in supporting and uplifting the less skilled and underprivileged fellow citizens. Our aim is to create greater equity and reduce societal divides.

Responsibility towards Nation & its People

Pinkishe is driven by the belief that each volunteer has a duty to their nation. We do not ask what our nation can do for us, but rather, we ask what we can do for our nation. This core belief fuels our volunteers' energy and commitment to effect positive and sustainable change, ultimately contributing to the greatness of our nation and its people.

Independence, Non-alignment, and Global Cooperation

We are dedicated to maintaining our independence and non-alignment, free from specific political, regional, or religious biases. However, we also believe that genuine well-being can only be achieved through inter-religious, intercultural, and interracial collaboration that transcends artificial barriers, including those of politics.

Nurturing Partnerships

Pinkishe actively seeks, builds, welcomes, and nurtures ethical, collaborative relationships with other NGOs and institutions. We prioritize partnering wherever and whenever it aligns with our mission and contributes to the greater public good. We recognize that collective action is often the most effective way to drive positive change.

Our Approach

Pinkishe believes that the ordinary citizens of any nation have a huge role in its development & growth.


Building a Strong Volunteer Community

Pinkishe embarked on its mission by establishing a dedicated and diverse community of volunteers drawn from various corners of the country. This community, once nascent, has evolved into a strong and vibrant backbone for Pinkishe's operations. Comprising individuals from all segments of society, it brings a wealth of perspectives and experiences to the organization.


Impactful Workshops and Awareness Programs

With its dedicated volunteer community in place, Pinkishe set out to conduct impactful workshops and awareness programs. These initiatives were strategically designed to reach schools, colleges, and communities, fostering an informed dialogue about menstrual health and hygiene. The core objective was to empower individuals with knowledge, challenging myths and taboos that surround menstruation.


Promoting Sustainable Menstrual Products

One of Pinkishe's key strategies involved advocating for sustainable menstrual products, with a particular emphasis on reusable cloth pads. By doing so, Pinkishe aimed to address both environmental concerns and economic barriers that hinder access to quality menstrual products. Simultaneously, the organization launched the distribution of free pad kits, ensuring that no one is left without access to essential menstrual hygiene items.


Collaborative Partnerships

Central to Pinkishe's success has been its collaborative approach. The organization diligently fostered partnerships with corporate entities, national and international universities, corporations, and other non-governmental organizations. These collaborations have been instrumental in enhancing outreach, effectiveness, and resource mobilization, amplifying the impact of Pinkishe's initiatives.


CSR Engagement

With a solid foundation and a proven track record, Pinkishe is now strategically focusing on securing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) support. The organization leverages the strength of its volunteer community, existing corporate partnerships, and its impressive track record of impact to attract CSR support, enabling the scaling of efforts.


Sustainability and Scalability

Even as Pinkishe progresses, it remains committed to sustainability and scalability. It ensures the sustainability of its initiatives by promoting eco-friendly menstrual products and continuing awareness programs. Furthermore, it aims to scale up efforts to reach more regions and populations, advancing the cause of menstrual health and hygiene to make a lasting and widespread impact across India.