Dempo College Goa, P&G & Pinkishe Support Periods for 10000 Women in Goa

Dec, 2021

A Collaborative Effort for Menstrual Health

Pinkishe Foundation proudly collaborated with S.S. Dempo College of Commerce and Economics in Goa to launch a significant initiative aimed at improving menstrual health and hygiene. Together, we conducted free distribution drives for sanitary pads and launched a comprehensive menstrual hygiene awareness campaign across six villages in Goa: Taleigao, St. Cruz, Merces, Chimbel, Cujira, and Bambolim.

Empowering Through Training

As part of this drive, Pinkishe Foundation trained 60 students from Dempo College in menstrual health and hygiene. These students are now actively spreading awareness among women and girls in these villages. The training session, which also engaged 14 faculty members, spanned four hours and included various activities such as role plays, interactive sessions, quizzes, and assessments, ensuring an informative and engaging experience.

Generous Support from P&G

A key component of this initiative was the generous support from P&G, who provided 9,000 sanitary pads for free distribution in these areas. This contribution has been invaluable in making menstrual hygiene products accessible to those in need. The collaboration with P&G has allowed us to directly benefit menstruating individuals in these communities, ensuring they have the resources they need for proper menstrual health management.

Creating a Ripple Effect

What sets this program apart is the ripple effect it generates. The 60 trained students are now equipped to educate women and girls in the six targeted villages about menstrual health and hygiene. Additionally, they are distributing free sanitary pads, directly benefiting 10,000 menstruating girls and women in these communities. This multiplier effect ensures that the impact of our initiative extends far beyond the initial training and distribution efforts.

Heartfelt Gratitude and Future Impact

Pinkishe Foundation extends heartfelt gratitude to P&G for enabling this initiative to positively impact the lives of 10,000 menstruating girls and women in these villages. Their support has been instrumental in driving this successful collaboration. We also commend the dedication of the students and faculty of Dempo College, whose commitment to spreading awareness and providing support has been exemplary.

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