Information for Parents
Do's and dont's for parents about their daughter's first periods


  • Explain what menstruation is and why it happens in a simple and age-appropriate language.
  • Provide her with the necessary sanitary products like pads or tampons and teach her how to use them.
  • Encourage her to ask questions and share her concerns about menstruation.
  • Help her keep track of her menstrual cycle.
  • Assure her that it is a normal bodily process and nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Reassure her that she can participate in all normal activities during her period.
  • Teach her the importance of good hygiene during menstruation and how to properly clean herself.
  • Talk to her about menstrual cramps and provide her with remedies to help alleviate the pain.


  • Don't shame or make fun of your daughter for menstruating.
  • Don't ignore your daughter's concerns or questions about menstruation.
  • Don't assume that your daughter already knows everything about menstruation.
  • Don't make menstruation a taboo topic in your household.
  • Don't restrict your daughter's activities during her period, unless advised by a doctor for medical reasons.
  • Don't use negative language or euphemisms to describe menstruation.
  • Don't assume that your daughter's period will start at a certain age or follow a specific pattern.
How should parents prepare their daughter for her upcoming first period?

Parents can prepare their daughter for her first period in several ways:

  • Start early: Parents can start talking about menstruation well in advance, even before their daughter starts her periods. This helps the girl to get familiar with the concept and to understand what to expect.
  • Be honest and factual: Parents should be honest and factual in their discussions about periods, without exaggerating or withholding any information. They can use diagrams, books or videos to explain the process.
  • Address any fears or misconceptions: Girls may have fears or misconceptions about periods, such as the fear of pain or embarrassment. Parents can address these fears and clear any misconceptions to help their daughters feel more confident and prepared.
  • Provide period products: Parents should ensure that their daughter has access to appropriate period products, such as pads or tampons. They can also help their daughter understand how to use them properly.
  • Teach hygiene practices: Parents should teach their daughters good hygiene practices during periods, such as changing pads regularly, washing hands frequently and taking showers.
  • Discuss emotional changes: Parents should discuss emotional changes that can occur during periods, such as mood swings, and reassure their daughter that these changes are normal.
  • Create a support system: Parents should create a supportive environment for their daughter, where she can talk about her concerns or ask questions without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.

Overall, parents should create an open and honest dialogue about periods with their daughters and be there to provide support and guidance when needed.

How to involve your son also in the period discussion?

It's important to involve sons in the period discussion so that they understand what their sisters or female friends may be going through and can be supportive. Here are some tips to involve your son in the period discussion:

  • Normalize periods: Start by explaining what periods are and why they happen. Make sure your son understands that periods are a natural part of the menstrual cycle for women and that they happen every month.
  • Answer questions: Encourage your son to ask questions and provide honest answers. This will help him better understand what periods are and how they affect women.
  • Teach empathy: Teach your son to be empathetic and understanding towards women who are on their period. Explain that periods can be uncomfortable or painful, and that women may need extra support during this time.
  • Discuss how he can help: Talk to your son about ways he can help support his sister or female friends during their period, such as getting them a glass of water or helping with household chores.
  • Address any misconceptions: Address any misconceptions or myths your son may have heard about periods, such as that periods are dirty or shameful. Explain that periods are a normal and natural process that all women go through.

Remember to keep the conversation age-appropriate and tailored to your son's level of understanding. By involving him in the period discussion, you can help promote healthy attitudes towards menstruation and support for women in his life.

How to make my daughter ready for her first period?

Here are some ways you can equip your daughter to manage her first period:

  • Practice using period products: Encourage your daughter to practice using different period products, such as pads or tampons, before her first period arrives. This will help her feel more comfortable and confident when she actually needs to use them.
  • Keep period products handy: Make sure your daughter has access to period products at all times, whether it's in her school bag, at home, or on-the-go. You can also show her how to discreetly carry period products with her.
  • Teach good hygiene practices: Explain the importance of good hygiene practices during her period, such as changing her pad or tampon regularly, washing her hands before and after using the bathroom, and showering or bathing regularly.
  • Discuss pain relief options: Talk to your daughter about the different pain relief options that are available, such as over-the-counter pain medication or heating pads.
  • Reassure her: Let your daughter know that it's normal to feel anxious or nervous about managing her first period. Reassure her that she can always come to you or another trusted adult for support or advice.

Remember to be patient and supportive as your daughter learns to manage her period. It can be a challenging time for both of you, but with the right tools and support, she'll be able to handle it with confidence.

How to prepare for the period-talk with my daughter?

Preparing for the period-talk with your daughter can help you have a comfortable and productive conversation. Here are some tips:

  • Choose the right time and place: Make sure you have enough time to talk and that you won't be interrupted. Choose a place where both you and your daughter feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Gather resources: Have some books, videos, or other resources available to help explain the topic. This can help your daughter understand what is happening and make the conversation easier.
  • Use age-appropriate language: Use language that your daughter can understand and avoid using too many technical terms. This can help prevent confusion and make the conversation more relatable.
  • Be honest and straightforward: Be honest and straightforward with your daughter about what to expect during her first period. Answer any questions she has, and reassure her that it is a natural part of growing up.
  • Emphasize the importance of hygiene: Explain the importance of good hygiene during her period and how to use pads or tampons correctly.
  • Encourage open communication: Encourage your daughter to come to you with any questions or concerns she may have in the future. Let her know that you are always there to support her.

Remember, the period-talk is an ongoing conversation and not just a one-time event. Keep the conversation going and check in with your daughter regularly to see how she is doing.

Is it really important to educate my son on periods? Can't I skip it?

Yes, it's important to educate your son about periods. Here are some reasons why:

  • Understanding: By educating your son about periods, he'll have a better understanding of what his sister or female friends are going through. This can help him be more empathetic and supportive towards them.
  • Normalizing: Educating your son about periods can help normalize them as a natural part of the menstrual cycle for women. This can help reduce the stigma and shame that some women may feel about their periods.
  • Preparation: Your son may encounter periods in the future, whether it's in a romantic relationship or in the workplace. Educating him about periods can help him be better prepared to handle these situations with sensitivity and understanding.
  • Equality: By educating both your son and daughter about periods, you're promoting equality and breaking down gender stereotypes. It's important for both boys and girls to have a basic understanding of reproductive health.
  • Empowerment: Educating your son about periods can help empower him to be an ally for women and girls. By understanding and supporting menstruation, he can help create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.

In short, educating your son about periods is an important step towards promoting healthy attitudes towards menstruation and supporting gender equality.

Should we really be celebrating our daughter's first period?

Whether or not to celebrate a daughter's first period is a personal decision, and there's no right or wrong answer. Some families may choose to celebrate this milestone as a way to mark the transition from childhood to adolescence, while others may not.

  • Here are some things to consider when deciding whether or not to celebrate your daughter's first period:
  • Cultural and personal beliefs: Celebrating a daughter's first period may be a cultural or personal tradition in some families. It's important to respect these beliefs and decide what feels right for your family.
  • Your daughter's preferences: It's important to consider your daughter's preferences and feelings about celebrating her first period. Some girls may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with the idea of a celebration, while others may appreciate the recognition.
  • Normalizing periods: Celebrating a daughter's first period can help normalize periods as a natural and healthy part of the menstrual cycle. This can help reduce the stigma and shame that some girls may feel about their periods.
  • Positive reinforcement: Celebrating a daughter's first period can provide positive reinforcement and help boost her self-esteem. It can also be a way to show her that you're proud of her and support her during this new phase of life.

Ultimately, the decision to celebrate your daughter's first period is up to you and your family. What's most important is to provide your daughter with the support, resources, and guidance she needs to manage her period with confidence and dignity.

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