1st Skilling Training Center launched under Project Praveena

Nov, 2021

Empowering Women Through Tailoring Skills

We are proud to announce the launch of the first Skilling Training Center under Project Praveena, a holistic endeavor dedicated to empowering disadvantaged women through valuable tailoring skills. This milestone marks a significant step in our mission to address unemployment and skill development gaps, enabling women to attain self-reliance and make meaningful contributions to their families and communities.

Beyond Skills Training

Project Praveena is more than just a skills training initiative. Our commitment extends beyond teaching tailoring; it encompasses long-term involvement and dedicated handholding. We aim to provide continuous support to ensure the women we train can successfully apply their skills and achieve sustained economic independence.

Cultivating Financial Independence

By equipping women with tailoring expertise, Project Praveena aims to cultivate financial independence. These skills open up new avenues for income generation, allowing women to support themselves and their families. This financial empowerment is a crucial aspect of fostering overall well-being and creating lasting positive transformations in their lives.

Enhancing Self-Esteem and Well-Being

Tailoring skills not only provide financial benefits but also enhance self-esteem and confidence. As women learn and master these skills, they gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities. This empowerment extends to all aspects of their lives, contributing to their overall well-being and helping them become strong, independent members of their communities.

Long-Term Impact

The launch of our first Skilling Training Center under Project Praveena is just the beginning. We are committed to expanding this initiative to reach more women, providing them with the tools and support they need to achieve self-reliance and contribute to their communities. This project is a testament to our dedication to empowering women and driving sustainable change.

Learn more about Project Praveena and its impact through the following link - Praveena (pinkishe.org).

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