What People Say About Us...

Menstrual health and hygiene encompasses the availability and proper management of sanitary knowledge for women and girls during menstruation.



Hello, my name is Nidhi, and I am a teacher. Today, the street play (nukkad natak) organized by your organization was of immense importance. Many of our girl students had hesitations and uncertainties surrounding the topic of menstruation. However, after watching the play, they have become more confident and comfortable discussing this vital subject. Thank you for this impactful initiative!

Izeen Fatima

Chairperson, Pink Legal Ibtida

I have had the pleasure to collaborate with Pinkishe Foundation three times now. I believe I have learnt the most in these sessions and especially from Shalini maam, I look at her and see a mentor figure. The learnings I have taken from these collaborations is something I implement everywhere. Pinkishe is doing wonderful work in reaching the beneficiaries of all remote sections of India.

Sunita Yadav


I came to know about the Pinkishe Foundation from my dear friend , Mrs. Shraddha Pandey. I had never heard or read about any such organization who had taken up the most sensitive part of a girl's life-as their theme of bringing awareness in the society. The menstruation cycle had always been a hush hush affair in households, schools, colleges and offices. Women and young girls had always been made to feel awkward talking about them. And here was an organization who lifted all the veils from this phase of life by not only sensitizing the girls but also making them feel confident and proud of their biological change. Their work was phenomenal and unprecedented. The introduction of SWARA , as the platform for sharing the hidden talents of children, girls, and women was another feather in the cap. The compassionate hostesses would elicit the songs stories, memoirs from participants , hailing from all walks of life.I have been fortunate enough to be a part of some such unforgettable programs. It is impossible to sum up the colossal work of Pinkishe in a page. I wish them all the power in the world to pursue their goals and make our society become more compassionate towards females during their testing days.

Nourin Sharma


Namaskar, my name is Nourin Sharma, and I participate in literary activities. While engaging in such activities, I had the opportunity to connect with Swara, where I performed poetry. It was through this medium that I came to know about Pinkishe Foundation. Pinkishe is doing remarkable work, distributing sanitary pads in villages and discussing topics that even adult women often shy away from, bringing awareness to these issues at a grassroots level. I believe it's a challenging subject, but through these efforts, countless women and girls in villages are benefiting. I am grateful to Pinkishe Foundation and wish them a bright future ahead.

Anju Kharbanda


Namaskar, I'm Anju Kharbanda. My involvement with Pinkishe Foundation began through the Swara community. I had the opportunity to attend a potluck organized by Pinkishe, where I gained deeper insights into the organization. It was there that I met Arun Gupta ji, and learned more about the incredible impact of Pinkishe Foundation. Learning that over 20 lakh women have been benefited by Pinkishe was a revelation to me. It's astounding how an initiative that began with the vision of just two people now operates over 50 branches nationwide. The work done by Pinkishe Foundation is truly commendable. I extend my congratulations for their exceptional efforts and offer my best wishes for their continued success and bright future.



Hi, I'm Safia from class 8. I'm thrilled that your team visited our school to teach us about periods. Before, we lacked knowledge on many important aspects, but now, thanks to you, we're well-informed. I want to express my gratitude and thank your team for emphasizing hygiene practices and teaching us to dispose of pads properly by folding them into the incinerator. Your visit has made a significant positive impact on our understanding and well-being. Thank you!

Kaushal Gohil

Founder & President, Swa Sarjan Foundation

As the Founder & President, I am deeply impressed by the exceptional work of Pinkishe Foundation. Having witnessed the positive impact of their initiatives firsthand, I commend the team's dedication and transparency. Their commitment to empowering women and communities is truly inspiring. Pinkishe is creating real change and building a brighter future. Proud to support such impactful leadership. Thank you for your outstanding efforts.

Sneha Upadhyaya

Junpat Higher Secondary School

My name is Sneha Upadhyaya, and today, Pinkishe Foundation and NPCL conducted a menstruation-related session, which was quite beneficial for the children. The discussions regarding cleanliness were particularly insightful and helpful for the children. The installation of an incinerator for school cleanliness is commendable. I would like more such sessions that would be beneficial for our children. Thank you.

Archana Sahu

Salempur Higher Secondary School

I am an assistant teacher at the school, and today's session conducted by Shalini ma'am has been highly beneficial for our students. She covered all the points that spark curiosity in children's minds but are often difficult for them to express or understand. Shalini ma'am explained comprehensively how periods occur, how the egg forms, how it is released when not fertilized, why there is pain, why there is discharge, how to use pads, and how to dispose of them. The session was incredibly well-received by both myself and the students. These discussions will prove invaluable for our children's future. I extend my gratitude to Pinkishe's team for installing an incinerator in our school. Now, our students will dispose of pads properly, alleviating the embarrassment and difficulty associated with it. I've personally faced challenges with heavy bleeding and disposal, which often led to embarrassment. With the incinerator, our students will no longer face these issues. It's a relief for us women, as we no longer have to feel ashamed about where to dispose of pads. Thank you, Pinkishe, for making this possible.

Anita Yadav

Menstrual Educator

Namaskar, my name is Anita Yadav, and I am working as a menstrual educator with Pinkishe in Greater Noida. Over the last 3-4 months, we have seen significant changes in these villages. Initially, when we conducted sessions, only elderly women would attend. But now, daughters and daughters-in-law are also participating. Previously, women used to feel embarrassed, covering their faces with veils, but now they are laughing openly and confidently answering our questions without hesitation. Their mindset is changing; they now say they are not ashamed anymore. Their daughters are going to colleges and schools, and they want to live freely and achieve their dreams. We started this initiative with Pinkishe Foundation, and it feels like it will be successful. Earlier, women did not keep track of their period dates, leading to unwanted pregnancies, but now they are paying attention to it. So, thank you Pinkishe Foundation for starting this initiative.

Rajrani Sharma

Menstrual Educator

I'm Rajrani Sharma, a teacher with the Basic Education Department in Meerut. Six years ago, I joined Pinkishe Foundation, driven by a concern I observed in our schools: the lower attendance of girls, largely due to menstrual issues. Since becoming a part of Pinkishe, I've witnessed and contributed to remarkable efforts in improving menstrual health awareness among schoolgirls. Today, I'm proud to see a significant increase in the number of girls attending school and a heightened awareness among them about menstrual health. Being part of Pinkishe and its impactful work fills me with pride.

Asha Chauhan

Menstrual Educator

I'm Asha Chauhan, an educationist, teacher trainer, writer, and social worker. I am immensely delighted and privileged to be associated with the Pinkishe Organisation as a Menstrual Educator. Pinkishe, an extremely committed and passionate group, has provided me with a platform to reach out, connect, and educate girls and women of different strata of society. I regularly conduct menstrual training sessions with a scientific approach and empathetic attitude to break taboos, provide accurate and relevant information about periods, and promote menstrual hygiene practices. My association with this wonderful group has broadened my outlook. I feel gratified and happy to get fully immersed and absorbed into joyful productivity.


Trainee at Praveena Skilling Center

My name is Mamta, my father is a laborer, and my mother is a housewife. I learned stitching at Pinkishe Foundation for 6 months, and through it, I got the opportunity to build self-confidence. Since I also enjoy stitching, I learned it well. Now, I stitch at home for my mother, and even when there's work elsewhere, where I earn a salary, I am able to help my family. I am financially independent now.


Trainee at Praveena Skilling Center

Joining Pinkishe Foundation changed my life in ways I never imagined possible. When my family faced financial struggles, Pinkishe provided me with a platform to contribute and support them. Learning embroidery under their guidance not only honed my skills but also gave me the opportunity to earn a sustainable income. Thanks to Pinkishe, I am now empowered to secure a brighter future for myself and my family.

Kiran Jain

Embroidery Instructor

The Praveena program run by Pinkishe is an excellent and useful initiative. Under Praveena, women are becoming skilled in stitching and embroidery, achieving self-reliance. Some girls, after mastering these skills, are securing jobs in boutiques. Others have started their own sewing businesses at home, becoming self-sufficient and able to financially support their parents. They are no longer dependent on their parents for their basic needs. In fact, they take pride in being able to gift useful articles to their parents on festivals and birthdays with their earnings. This program not only fosters skill development but also instills a sense of pride and independence among the participants.

Ms. Shashi Jain

Image Consultant, Soft Skills Trainer & life coach

My journey with Pinkishe Foundation started with a session on Dining Etiquette & Table manners in the Pink Talk series. It was a great experience sharing my views and learnings & emphasizing the importance of etiquette, good manners & basic respect in all aspects and walks of life . Pinkishe Foundation is a non-profitable organization working for the welfare of women focusing more so in the space of menstrual hygiene & its awareness. They are doing commendable work in the fields of health, education and livelihood programs to empower the women fraternity. My good wishes and support is always there with Mr.Arun Gupta, Shalini Gupta, Ruchi Jain and the entire team who is part of this beautiful cause. Thanks for making me part of the family. I would look forward to adding value so that it benefits and touches as many lives as possible.

Charu Sharma Dubey

Senior Dermatologist @ Clinic Skin Solutions Vasant kunj

Pinkishe Foundation has been working tirelessly on a very taboo subject of menstrual health in India for a few years. It is a subject neglected not just by women themselves but also by society, health care system and administration for decades. It is one of the most important aspects of physical, mental, psychological and emotional well being of young girls and women and Pinkishe is doing commendable work in all aspects of this subject. I have been lucky to be associated with the organization and spreading skin and health aspects of women's health and I look forward to contributing more to the cause. Wishing them the very best for their future endeavors.

BK Yeshu

BK sister at ORC, Gurgaon

Dear Divine Brothers and Sisters, Greetings of peace! I was fortunate to be a part of Pinkishe foundation and really happy to see outstanding work done by the team. The PinkTalk session organised by them on different topics are very enlightening and helpful to women.It's the best way to connect with people around you. Pinkishe Foundation is impacting society in a very positive manner. Wishing you loads of good wishes and success.

Anushka Gupta

Volunteer leader at Sampark Sathi Foundation

Pinkishe Foundation has been a game-changer in advocating for menstrual hygiene awareness and tackling period poverty. Their dedication to empowering individuals through education and access to hygiene products, including the Pinkpad initiative, is truly commendable. As a volunteer leader, I have worked with my team in this initiative, and I've witnessed firsthand the impactful change they bring to communities, breaking stigma and providing essential support. Pinkishe Foundation's work is vital, making a tangible difference in countless lives. It's been a profound journey with Pinkishe Foundation, empowering and advocating for menstrual awareness, hygiene, and combating period poverty. Their commitment to destigmatizing menstruation while providing essential resources, such as the Pinkpad initiative, has been inspirational. Witnessing the positive impact on individuals' lives, especially in marginalized communities, has been immensely fulfilling. Pinkishe Foundation, dedicated to eradicating period poverty through education and accessible resources, embodies the essence of societal change. It's an honor to be part of an organization that passionately strives to ensure menstrual dignity for all, fostering a more inclusive and equitable future.



We had to use cloth during our periods because of which we used to face so much difficulty as we had to clean the cloth and for drying we had to hide it somewhere for no one to see, we had to hide it from the people and our family but now we are in relief because of Pinkishe’s pad distribution effort, now we don’t have to hide anything, we are able to avoid blood stains, thus, we are very happy for providing us pads and we want to thank everyone in Pinkishe for providing us this support.



The reusable pads which are given to us are very comfortable, earlier ladies used to get infection from using clothes, but after using these pads, they don’t suffer anymore. I love it so much that I don’t even get the urge to use any other alternative. The problem of leakage has also been resolved and now I can attend weddings and any other function easily which I used to avoid earlier during periods. Many women in our area now use these pads. We anticipate getting more of these pads and we also want more women and girls to use it. The cost of getting pads which was 25 rupees has also been cut after switching to reusable pads.


(Student Volunteer)- Mysore

My name is Zuha, and I am in my final year of BCA. I learned about Pinkishe through social media and wanted to be a part of it. I enjoy using Pinkishe's platform to impart knowledge to women and girls about their bodies and find it fulfilling to answer their questions. Pinkishe is a great NGO, and the work it's doing is very commendable. In today's world, when we think that the world has progressed so much, there are still women and girls who don't know about their own bodies. So, this is a really good initiative.

Interns Team

Amity University, Delhi

In 2020, interns from Amity University embarked on a meaningful journey with us. Eager to make a difference, these bright minds eagerly embraced the opportunity to spearhead a fundraiser for our cause. Equipped with comprehensive training about our organization's work, they passionately shared our journey with their families and friends. Their dedication and enthusiasm were evident as they approached various networks, spreading awareness and garnering support. Their commitment bore fruit as generous contributions poured in, totaling an impressive INR 40,000. Through their efforts, they have not only raised funds but also sparked conversations and fostered awareness about menstrual well-being and empowerment. Together, we celebrate their remarkable achievement, knowing that their impact will resonate far beyond monetary value, leaving a lasting legacy of change and empowerment.

Student Body

Shahid Bhagat Singh College, Delhi

In 2018, the student body of Shahid Bhagat Singh College, Delhi, joined hands with us, eager to support our cause. They initiated a fundraiser, visiting Noida's markets, persuading shopkeepers to contribute to our organization. Their dedicated efforts yielded INR 25,000, presented to us during one of our events. This generous contribution greatly aids our mission, particularly in promoting menstrual well-being among women and girls, ensuring access to essential hygiene resources. Such collaborations embody the spirit of community and empower us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

Ritu Rai

Volunteer, Pune Branch

Namaskar, my name is Ritu Rai, from the Pune branch. Today, I would like to talk about the initiative of Kagaaz ke Pad started by Pinkishe Foundation two years ago. This program has been incredibly successful. Through this initiative, we collect waste paper from our society members and use the proceeds to purchase pads, which we then distribute to the maids in our society and needy women in nearby slum areas. Additionally, we educate them about the proper use of pads and discuss the side effects of using cloth. Our society's maids are very happy with this initiative, and we are seeing excellent participation from women in surrounding slum areas. They have become much more aware, and I would like to thank Pinkishe for starting this campaign. Thank you.

Mala Dutta

Gaur Ganga Society

My name is Mala Dutta. Today, Pinkishe Foundation organized an important session in our society to teach women, especially housemaids, about menstrual hygiene. The volunteers shared important information using simple and comforting language, answering the questions of the women present. This educational effort had a positive and lasting impact on everyone involved. We appreciate the commendable efforts of the Pinkishe team and thank them sincerely for contributing to the well-being and awareness of women in our society. We are eagerly waiting for them to do more such sessions in future also.

Ananya Narang


Pinkishe foundation truly is an incredible organization. One of it's kind, the entire team works relentlessly day in and out towards their common goal of women empowerment & continuously promote female wellness on all platforms. I feel so proud to be a part of this fabulous organization, kudos to the family of amazing volunteers & interns.

Azma Juned


I consider myself lucky to get a chance to work at Pinkishe Foundation. The foundation is working towards a great cause and everyone is so helpful and nice. It's been around 40 days since I joined Pinkishe and now it has become my family. The work environment is commendable.

Rwitama Khastagir

Senior Associate, Impact delivery-Give Grants

Working with Pinkishe has been a fantastic experience. Over the past 4-5 years, Give and Pinkishe have collaborated on many projects raising awareness of menstrual health & hygiene among young girls. The organisation is led by a small team of passionate and committed individuals with high principles. Words are not enough for how humble and accommodating the team has been for every request that I have put forward. I truly wish Pinkishe all the success, awards and accolades in the world. And I will never miss an opportunity to work with Pinkishe in the years to come and help them reach new heights.

Kathy Walkling

Co founder and outreach programme team leader at Eco Femme

We are proud partners of Pinkishe Foundation since September 2021. We have supported them in their menstrual health programme with training in how to deliver menstrual health education and freely provided 3383 adolescent girls from low income backgrounds with cloth pad kits which the trained facilitators at Pinkishe offer along with a class on menstrual health. We have greatly appreciated the quality and sincerity with which they do their work. they are fully accountable as partners reporting in a timely manner and responsive. It is a pleasure to be associated with them and we look forward to a long and impactful association in the years to come.

Mansi Singh


Ms. Mansi Singh from Lonavala has been an intern at Pinkishe foundation for the past 3 months. I belong to the Social media Dept (Graphic Designer). I always wanted to work in a foundation and I got one. Our Orientation was so nice. I was so impressed with the work that Pinkishe foundation does. I felt even I should be a part of such an amazing journey helping others. Our batch was the first to handle the social media of Pinkishe foundation. Throughout my 3 months journey Pinkishe family helped me a lot. I joined as an intern and now I'm a family member of Pinkishe foundation. I really love working here. I learned how to manage a Graphic designer team, how to be patient, how to be a good head, etc. I get a very healthy working environment where there's no pressure. It's a very fun loving journey. We have fun sessions sometimes where I get to know about other interns working in different dept. I always owe Arun sir, Khyati ma’am and Purnima ma’am, the way they support me and help me in every possible way they can. I'm really happy to be a part of the Pinkishe family.

Jhuma Sunuwar


Action speaks louder than words, and Pinkishe exemplifies this beautifully. Pinkishe has empowered me to actively contribute to my community, fostering strength and confidence within me. Being part of Pinkishe is a true blessing, as it allows me to make a meaningful difference in society. I am grateful for the opportunity Pinkishe has provided me to create positive change. It’s really a blessing to be part of Pinkishe.

Taeid nazir


Pinkishe Foundation has been working for an exceptional cause and it's a blessing that I got a chance to come to be a part of it. Throughout these years, this organization has educated people and changed the philosophy towards what was considered a taboo. The first time a platform is provided to discuss menstruation in Kashmir is by the Pinkishe Foundation. A conservative society like that in Kashmir never equips women with the space to discuss periods openly and excludes them from many aspects of sociocultural life. I am delighted to associate and vouch for their activities & projects in the coming future.

Paras Jan


Raising awareness for women's rights and menstrual education has been my life-long intent. Intriguingly since joining Pinkishe Foundation two years ago my ambitions towards uplifting the young generation of females have become a reality. This organization has been a beacon of light to help young girls of Kashmir fight the taboos of menstruation and break the patriarchal norms. With the constant support of this ever-growing esteemed organization, I hope the volunteers of the Kashmir branch will continue to bring change in the lives of many young girls.

Rinku Shah

Founder, Fitness2Flash

At Fitness2Flash, through our employee engagement program, the employees initiated a fundraiser for Pinkishe, generously supporting the cause of empowering women. The contributions by our team reflect our shared values of compassion and inclusivity. We are happy that, together with Pinkishe, we are making a meaningful impact, ensuring proper menstrual hygiene facilities are accessible to women across India. Kudos to our and Pinkishe’s team for their initiative and selflessness, embodying the spirit of compassion.

Kumari Tanya

Researcher, NRI Consulting India

We at NRI Consulting India, have a small team for employee engagement, that works on contributing to society. Discovering Pinkishe Foundation was really grateful. As a team leader, I envisioned a health and hygiene workshop, and collaborating with Pinkishe made it a reality. Reflecting on the experience, the Menstrual Health and Hygiene workshop brought a sense of societal worthiness amongst our team. Recognizing shared experiences, we believe girls should be informed early, breaking societal taboos and prioritizing their health. Special thanks to Ms. Shalini and Mr. Arun for their cooperation. I strongly recommend future collaborations with Pinkishe to empower women in India.

Nirmish Thaker

Ace Cartoonist

Ms. Shalini Gupta Ji gave me the good news of joy and pride that Pinkishe has entered its 5th year and is going to publish the Annual Report 2020-21. I am proud of this organization, I already believe that Pinkishe is an ongoing movement and type of revolution for women, it is unique. In 2019 my 'Caricature Exhibition of 101 Celebrated Women' was held in its Mega Event 'Festival NAARI - 2019' and got a lot of praise. I have also been a judge in 'VEER JAWAN - 2020 All India Poster Making Contest'. As soon as my column 'Caricature of Women Personalities' was published in Pinkishe magazine, I started getting praise for many great talents like Kiran Bedi Ji. Such sweet memories are still emerging in my mind. May God also support you for your wonderful future successes.

Hemlata Rawat

Project Coordinator, PHIA Foundation

In my spontaneous exploration of NGOs championing Menstrual Hygiene Management awareness, I fortuitously discovered the remarkable Pinkishe Foundation. The pleasure of interacting with their team was unparalleled, given their grounded nature and exceptional grasp of period poverty challenges. Their laudable commitment to impactful awareness sessions and tireless efforts to alleviate period poverty in marginalized communities are truly commendable. I extend my heartfelt admiration and best wishes to the Pinkishe Foundation for their outstanding dedication to this crucial cause.

Vandana Rani Dayal

Associated Director, Swara

I firmly believe that within just 7 years, Pinkishe has attained a commendable position, offering substantial support to around 5 million underserved women. It has established a valuable platform for expression and education, positively impacting the lives of the less privileged. In its sincere efforts, Pinkishe provides an empowering stage for independent women to exhibit their abilities in a male-dominated world.

Jyoti Singh

Director- MIS

Pinkishe Foundation is dedicated to making a positive impact in the community. Their commitment to empowering women and supporting various social causes is truly commendable. The organization's commitment to breaking taboos surrounding menstruation is evident in their initiatives, and their passion for creating positive change shines through. I am proud to be a part of the organization.

Aditi Gupta

Program Lead

Connecting with Pinkishe Foundation has been an impeccable experience. Managing the Kaagaz Ke Pad project not only allowed me to contribute to a meaningful cause but also provided a wealth of insights and learnings. The foundation's dedication to empowering women through initiatives like these is truly commendable. It is a privilege to be a part of such an impactful endeavor, and the skills acquired during this journey will undoubtedly resonate in my personal and professional growth. Kudos to Pinkishe Foundation for their unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of women.

Shivani Singh

Project Coordinator

I am proud to be a part of Pinkishe Foundation, where compassion meets action. Working here has been an incredibly fulfilling experience, as the foundation's commitment to empowering women and fostering positive change is truly inspiring. The supportive work environment and collective passion for making a difference make Pinkishe not just an organization, but a family dedicated to creating a brighter, more equitable future for all. It's an honor to contribute to such a meaningful cause.

Prem Prakash Ashra

Co-Founder & CEO, Sampark Saathi Foundation

Pinkishe Foundation's prompt and generous response to the needs of underprivileged individuals to fight period poverty reflects a genuine commitment to social impact. Your contribution goes far beyond the tangible provision of sanitary pads, menstrual hygiene and awareness and training of volunteers to take sessions; it extends to preserving the dignity and well-being of those who often struggle to access such basic necessities. You make sure you are reaching out to the last mile beneficiary and never say 'NO' for people who genuinely need support. Your unwavering support as our NGO partner has played a pivotal role in Sampark Sathi Foundation's mission to empower underprivileged communities. The generosity you've consistently demonstrated by providing sanitary pads whenever the demand arose from the slum communities has been truly remarkable. Your commitment to addressing a fundamental need with such dedication has not only filled a critical gap but has also touched the lives of countless individuals in a profound way. Thank you for being more than a partner – thank you for being a beacon of hope and support. We look forward to continuing this journey together and making an even greater impact on the communities we serve.

Kathy Walkling

Co founder and outreach programme team leader at Eco Femme

We are proud partners of Pinkishe Foundation since September 2021. We have supported them in their menstrual health programme with training in how to deliver menstrual health education and freely provided 3383 adolescent girls from low income backgrounds with cloth pad kits which the trained facilitators at Pinkishe offer along with a class on menstrual health. We have greatly appreciated the quality and sincerity with which they do their work. they are fully accountable as partners reporting in a timely manner and responsive. It is a pleasure to be associated with them and we look forward to a long and impactful association in the years to come.

Mrs. Renuka Sood

Director, Sports Academy Association of India

Pinkishe Foundation is one such NGO which is working tirelessly for women empowerment. Some of their great initiatives are creating awareness about menstrual hygiene in rural and urban sectors, distribution of sanitary pads, creating awareness about women's rights and have been actively involved in creating awareness through their webinars and online sessions. I personally would like to congratulate Mr. Arun Gupta and Mrs. Shalini Gupta for contributing to the society in such a big way.

Dr. Smitha Bhandare Kamat

Associate Professor, S.S.Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, Goa

Congratulations on the successful completion of 5 years. In these five years the number of lives transformed is equally commendable. Reaching out to the underprivileged and marginalized section selflessly to create menstruation hygiene awareness as well as provide them with sanitary napkins braving all forms of odds be it financial or non financial needs to be appreciated. This determination even during the pandemic times was not dented. Every woman is encouraged, appreciated and inspired to ‘accept and believe’ in herself to move on and pursue her dreams. I’m proud to be associated with the Foundation and wish all the very best.

Rwitama Khastagir

Senior Associate, Impact delivery-Give Grants

Working with Pinkishe has been a fantastic experience. Over the past 4-5 years, Give and Pinkishe have collaborated on many projects raising awareness of menstrual health & hygiene among young girls. The organisation is led by a small team of passionate and committed individuals with high principles. Words are not enough for how humble and accommodating the team has been for every request that I have put forward. I truly wish Pinkishe all the success, awards and accolades in the world. And I will never miss an opportunity to work with Pinkishe in the years to come and help them reach new heights.

Col. DV Nehra

Commanding Officer

I had an opportunity to attend few programmes of Pinkishe Foundation in Hisar (Haryana) while Commanding 1Har R&V Sqn NCC in LUVAS Hisar during 2017-19 wherein I found that the Pinkishe Team is doing a great job regarding menstrual health of girls. Their personal devotion, sincerity & dedication for this social service is exemplary & I wish them all the best for their future endeavors.

Mr. Vishnu Vijayan

Assistant Manager- Social Internships, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun

Pinkishe has been exemplary in their approach of sensitizing the society through their initiatives. University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun takes pride in associating with Pinkishe and are grateful for the experiences that our students had while volunteering for their organization.

Dr. Abhishek Srivastava

Associate Professor, G N S University, Rohtas

As a Management Faculty, I feel glad to get associated with PINKISHE FOUNDATION as they are doing wonders into the field of general awareness & social Service. The entire team of PINKISHE seems synchronized and attuned towards different roles and responsibilities. Here I congratulate the entire team for their seamless efforts into the Nation Building Process!!!

Dr. Charu Sharma Dubey

Senior Dermatologist, Clinic Skin Solutions, Vasant kunj

Pinkishe Foundation has been working tirelessly on a very taboo subject of menstrual health in India for a few years. It is a subject neglected not just by women themselves but also by society, health care system and administration for decades. It is one of the most important aspect of physical, mental, psychological and emotional well being of young girls and women and Pinkishe is doing commendable work in all aspects of this subject. I have been lucky to be associated with the organization and spreading skin and health aspects of women's health and I look forward to contribute more to the cause. Wishing them the very best for the future endeavors.

Dr. Ajeya Jha

Professor, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology

"Weakness is the only sin". Empowerment hence is the only salvation. We are honourbound to empower any and every one. Girls across the globe need empowerment and Pinkishe as an organizatin, brings a smile in our face because of their conviction and commitment that girls even from the most downtrodden part of the society can be empowered and in the process empower the entire society. Best wishes to them for a glorious future.

Reena Charles

Chairperson, Ek Ehsaas Foundation ( EEF), Delhi

Feeling grateful and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it. Hence, at the outset I place on record my gratitude and appreciation to the Pinkishe Foundation and the entire team. God's abundant graces be upon them for all the great work done by them. I cannot forget the great service and aid they provided to the inmates of PHILOMENA'S PARADISE by providing medicines and provisions....which was the need of the hour during the corona pandemic. We are all called to be angels on earth and our deeds indeed should be divine. Pinkishe Foundation has a group of angels, they are blessed to be a blessing for others.

Neeraj Gera

Founder, Humanify Foundation

It was a pleasure to interact with Mr Arun Gupta while I was a guest speaker at the PinkTalks event. He is certainly a selfless soul. Since we both are working on menstrual hygiene management, I could connect with his vision for women suffering due to poor menstrual hygiene. Pinkshie is doing amazing work on grassroot level & I would like to congratulate the entire Pinkshie Team for making this happen. Humanify Foundation & I will be available for any such association for Arun ji’s visionary endeavors, to make this world a happier place to live.