For Boys and Men
What is menstruation?

Menstruation is a natural process that happens to girls and women, where their body sheds blood and tissue from their uterus through their vagina.

What is your role of boys in making menstruation normal?

As a young school-going boy, your role in making menstruation normal is to treat it as a normal and natural process that happens to half of the world's population. You can start by educating yourself about menstruation and understanding that it is a natural process that occurs in girls and women. You can also make an effort to be supportive of your female classmates, friends, and family members who may be experiencing menstruation. This can include being understanding and respectful if they need to take a break or miss school due to menstrual cramps or other symptoms. Additionally, you can help to break down the stigma surrounding menstruation by not participating in or laughing at jokes or teasing related to it. You can also encourage others to do the same and speak out against discrimination or negative attitudes towards menstruation. By treating menstruation as a normal and natural part of life, you can help to create a more accepting and supportive community for everyone.

What should boys and men do if they witness someone experiencing period shame or stigma?

Boys and men can help to challenge period shame and stigma by speaking out against it and advocating for better menstrual health education and access. They can also offer support and empathy to those who are experiencing shame or stigma.

What should you do when other boys in your class or friend circle make fun of menstruating classmates?

If you witness other boys making fun of a classmate who menstruates, it is important to speak up and intervene. You can let them know that this behavior is hurtful and unacceptable, and encourage them to be respectful and understanding of their classmates who menstruate. You can also offer support to the person who is being targeted, and let them know that they have your support and understanding. It can be difficult to challenge harmful attitudes and behaviors, but standing up for what is right can help to create a more positive and inclusive environment for everyone.

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